Lotto Group Kit V2.0: Updates and New Lower Price!


Lotto Group Kit V2.0: Updates and New Lower Price!

Playing the lottery, the odds are stacked against you. Lottery groups offer the advantage of using other people’s money to give you more chances to win. Nobody considers the potential for a lottery jackpot dispute until it happens to them. Why do so many lottery group plays end up disputed? Two reasons: jealousy and greed. The 19 Bell call center employees’ lottery dispute was tied up in the court system for two years, and the 24 Bombardier employees settled out of court (the case was not dropped). The Lotto Group Kit V2.0 has been recently revised in May 2017 providing current lottey information in an eBook format. Written by multiple lottery winner Ric Wallace and relaunched online at, this eBook fills a need providing valuable information on properly running a lottery group with the aim being to lessen the chances for frivolous disputes by people with no valid claim. Wallace contends playing as a group is the smartest way to play as long as the group creates a proper paper trail.

Detailing his own personal experiences winning lotteries and operating various lottery groups over the years, Wallace has updated his original book to provide current data. The Lotto Group Kit V2.0 still includes a customizable lottery group membership agreement, as well as a variety of helpful forms for documenting a lottery group’s activities. The easily downloaded eBook contains tips on scanning tickets for sharing by email with fellow group members, steps to follow for lottery group captains, and what to do when your lottery group wins a major prize. But a truly distinctive feature of the Lotto Group Kit V2.0 is the “UNIQUE LOTTERY GROUP PLAY IDENTIFIER CODE” developed by Wallace and thoroughly explained in his eBook. It acts just like a password or a PIN for banking, providing the documentation power to blow away bogus claims.


Running a successful lottery group is like running a business; proper record-keeping is necessary to satisfy an “audit” by the lottery corporation. Wallace’s eBook kit fills in the blanks to minimize the chance of an ineligible person filing a frivolous claim. Who stands to gain from lottery group disputes? People who know that the group’s procedures were lax for one, and lawyers for another. If you play the lottery with one other person, you need the Lotto Group Kit V2.0.

Ric Wallace believes – if your left hand is itchy, it is a sign of UNEXPECTED MONEY

ARTographer Ric Wallace is also a LUCKologist who claims his itchy LEFT HAND – or how he likes to joke – ITCHY LEFT PAW is NEVER WRONG. Often he knows he has a winning ticket before he checks it.

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To me and my ancestors with a strong psychic connection who shared the tales of an itchy left hand, this is a sign of unexpected money. I was telling a very interesting story to a lady name LIZ on Sunday May 7, 2017 while I had my tent set up at the beach. Sharing my story with the lady at the beach was what reactivated my “Reticular activating system“. I am currently working on republishing the Lotto Group Kit eBook to help others set up a Lotto Group or lottery pool. This is expected to be on sale this month – revised and published in Beautiful White Rock Beach, BC CANADA.

Title: Lotto Group Kit V2.0                                             
Format: Electronic book
ISBN: 978-0-9781733-8-8
TLC’s the Lottery Changed My Life - Sold on

A Lucky Black Squirrel (Lottery Charm®) pin was used to hold the winning grand prize ticket for the lottery (previously known as Dream Of A Lifetime Lottery) on a corkboard in the office of® creator Ric Wallace.

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I cashed in a $64.50 winning ticket Monday morning, and took $60.50 in cash and put the $4 on a Keno ticket because of the ITCHY LEFT HAND (PAW). Within 8 minutes I had a 100 times investment return of $400. I had no plans of playing Keno, but the severe itchy left hand was a sign to get a ticket.


21 Lucky Lottery Tips

For Selecting, Playing, and Winning Lotteries – eBOOK
You could be reading this book in minute - saving TREES.
The 21 Lucky Lottery Tips eBook is supplied as a PDF protected file  viewable on computers, tablets and smart devices. ISBN:-13: 978-09781733-1-9  plus taxes if applicable

I had seen a lady the week before claiming a $400 win on Keno at Semiahmoo Shopping Centre, and I was simply trying to visualize and duplicate what she did. Did it work? See the photo below. I have done this many times with success. 


Money Superstitions ~ How to get LUCKY

Whether you are right handed or left handed, or even your background heritage may have some determination for which hand is the indicator of unexpected money or wealth. The itchy left palm was passed down from my mother’s side – mostly Irish background. To some people this superstition sounds totally NUTS. My wife when she first heard this was flabbergasted, but over the years has seen firsthand this working for me. Recently we have both had itchy left palms, and she is starting to adopt the superstition. This superstition I believe in gets stronger each time it comes true, for me I would say 100% of the time. If I have a ticket on a lottery draw and develop an itchy left palm, I know I have won a prize.


I would suggest you take note the next time you have an itchy left palm or itchy right palm and record what follows. Tracking this and comparing to results will help you to decide to follow this superstition and which hand indicates unexpected money or wealth.

My grandmother also used to add to the itchy left palm belief: “Scratch it on your ASS to make it come FAST“. Please don’t shoot the messenger; I am just repeating the saying.


Tip #3 Create Your Own Luck By Ric Wallace



Tip #3 Create Your Own Luck

Reprinted from 21 Lucky Lottery Tips For Selecting, Playing, and Winning Lotteries
By Ric Wallace ~ Luckologist / Multiple Lottery Winner

Some think LUCK is random; others feel it can be created or harnessed.

Many cultures throughout the centuries have believed in LUCK. Some say LUCK is a form of superstition with various interpretations. Some well-known GOOD LUCK superstitions include four-leaf clovers, horseshoes, rabbits’ feet, a heads-up penny, ladybugs, knocking on wood, the color red or green, and crossing your fingers. Many consider the numbers 7, 9, 11, 21, and their own birthdays to be lucky. Some even believe having bird droppings fall on them is a sign of luck!


Yet, you can probably find an equal number of people who believe in BAD LUCK superstitions too. The more familiar beliefs include walking under a ladder, seeing a black cat cross your path, breaking a mirror, or having a Friday the 13, something that Hollywood has capitalized on repeatedly.

Is the glass half full or half empty? Both answers are correct. A person’s attitude and belief determine the answer. This analogy can be applied to LUCK. Is it random, or can it be created? Some will say it is completely random, while others like me believe it can be created or harnessed.

My 2-year wealth-luck action plan (see®) consisted of beliefs, dreams, visualizations, actions, and the use of items of LUCK. It all formulated from the idea that a series of smaller wins would eventually lead up to a big win, like tremors in advance of an earthquake. The name® was formalized as a Trademark with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office on May 30, 2002, to help validate my claim of a plan. The Federal Government of Canada’s Trademark office has given my plan the credibility it needs. The® Trademark information is available online, and anyone worldwide can view it. I shared my goal with a federal tax auditor shortly after the start of my 2-year wealth-luck action plan. The Federal Government of Canada also has a copy of the $2,408 win I’ve listed on®.

Ric Wallace Grand Prize Wiinners

On May 31, 2004, my 2-year wealth-luck action plan was realized when I won the GRAND PRIZE on a hospital-sponsored Dream Home Lottery. This tax-free prize package, valued at more than $775,000 CDN, consisted of a luxury home, furniture, sports car, appliances, electronics, hot tub, cash, and more. Other wins during this two-year period have been documented on the® website. Some say I missed the mark on my plan by only one day, but 2004 was a leap year, which means I actually reached my goal!


People often approach lotteries with the wrong attitude. They buy a few tickets and because they don’t win the multi million-dollar prizes immediately, they get discouraged. I know buying tickets is no sure thing, yet not buying tickets guarantees you can’t win. Still, in order to be a successful lottery player with multiple wins, it’s not enough simply to buy tickets – you have to work on your attitude as well. It’s almost impossible to win in life if you give up too easily. Even in challenging times, I’ve never allowed myself to get discouraged or lose focus on any of my dreams.

TLC’s the Lottery Changed My Life - Sold on

A Lucky Black Squirrel (Lottery Charm®) pin was used to hold the winning grand prize ticket for the lottery (previously known as Dream Of A Lifetime Lottery) on a corkboard in the office of® creator Ric Wallace.

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As a child, I struggled with schoolwork. A high school math teacher, whose class I was failing, told me I wouldn’t graduate. He believed my best hope was for full-time employment with the supermarket where I worked. In order to prove him wrong, I went to summer school to improve my mark. At graduation, this same teacher walked up to me asking why I was there. I looked him in the eye and replied, “I went to summer school, I had a better teacher, and I earned a better mark.” He walked away from me speechless!


As a young adult, I grappled with health issues that robbed me of nearly five years of productive life. A few years ago, when I broke my right arm and smashed my hand, I lost use of my right hand for about nine months. In spite of some of   these difficulties, I never gave up hope or let anyone else squash my dreams.   The reason I’m sharing some of these issues is simply to remind you that we all  have challenges to overcome.

Some believe successful people are simply lucky. Talking to people who have prospered, they attribute their accomplishments to goal setting, actions, beliefs, dreams, visions, and the power of positive thinking. In my view, adding an item of luck can help you reach success more quickly. It’s like putting higher-octane fuel in your car – it gives more power and performance. With the   right mindset, you truly can create your own luck.

It is your attitude, dreams, desire, belief and actions that determine your success with lotteries and life. When someone asks me if I believe in LUCK, I   simply say, “YES!” I wrote this book sitting in the dream home I won. This validates my belief.

[FREE-catalogue]The LOTTO Dream eBook - FREE DOWNLOAD